Point buy alternative

A method for randomly generating 3-18 stats:

  • 12 + 1d6
  • 10 + 1d6
  • 8 + 1d6
  • 6 + 1d6
  • 4 + 1d6
  • 2 + 1d6
The resulting scores could then be distributed randomly or arranged to taste. This is meant to be more consistent (guaranteed one low and one high score) while still being somewhat unpredictable.
The total expected value of both this method and 3d6 each is the same. Expected value of 3d6 down the line is 10.5 each and thus 63 in total. Expected value of this method is:

(12 +10 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 2) + (6d6) = 42 + (3.5 * 6) = 42 + 21 = 63

I posted this on G+ already, but I figured it was worth putting up here too.

0 thoughts on “Point buy alternative

  1. LS

    Huh. I’d seen this style used before with for specific creatures (I think you’ve used it yourself with non-human races in Pahvelorn) but this method of using the technique had never occurred to me.

    Well done.

    1. Brendan


      If you use it, let me know how it goes.

      It feels like it would be a good alternative for players who want a bit more control over their character stats without introducing inflation.


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