Dwimmermount Preview

For those of you with the ACKS PDF, check out the last page. You will find a dungeon level map and this text:

This map can be used in your campaign if you need to stock a dungeon or provide a handout for players who have unexpectedly found a map as part of a treasure hoard. Only the wisest – or those who have been visiting the Autarch website at www.autarch.co, and following James Malizewski’s updates at grognardia.blogspot.com — will recognize that this is also a preview of the legendary Dwimmermount, to be published using the Adventurer Conqueror King compatibility license through a partnership between Grognardia Games and Autarch.

I haven’t seen any mention about the publication of Dwimmermount using the Adventurer Conqueror King compatibility license. Google searches limited to grognardia.blogspot.com don’t turn up anything, so I don’t think I missed an announcement. You heard it here first! (Sort of.)

0 thoughts on “Dwimmermount Preview

  1. Brendan

    Both Labyrinth Lord and ACKS are B/X with house rules, so I don’t think this presages any major changes in the likely format or style of Dwimmermount. It’s still interesting to see what the explicit affiliations will end up being.

  2. Beedo

    Yeah, it’s more like “whose wagon are you hitching your star onto…” I saw the reference too, interesting stuff.

  3. Stainless

    Funny, I was also trying to hunt down further information about Dwimmermount last night in response to seeing it mentioned in the back of ACKs. I suspect Grognardia has been busy with his Thousand Suns publication.


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