Death Frost Tower

The Lamentations module Death Frost Doom recently featured prominently in my Vaults of Pahvelorn game, as recounted here and here by Gus. In the process of adapting the module to Pahvelorn, I made a number of changes, one of which was to replace the cabin in the graveyard with a tower. While I understand why a cabin was used in the original, I decided that a tower would fit better the atmosphere of my campaign. I suspect this might be true for many D&D games, so perhaps my map and sketch will be of use to others as well. Apologies for the smudged ink (I should get better pens). The W characters represent windows. You can also see the chimney marked in the southeast portion of every level (directly above the stove on the ground level).

Using this map requires two minor changes to the key as printed in the module:

  • Harpsichord moved from I to J
  • Trapdoor to dungeon moves from F to G

I also added these notes to my version:

  • Area G (kitchen, first floor): servant’s entrance to the west, heavy iron portcullis and masonry blocks rigged to be dropped to seal this entrance. Double iron doors worked in the iconography of Orcus lead to the north chamber which contains a trapdoor down to the catacombs.

This map is released under the creative commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

Death Frost Tower

Death Frost Tower

Here’s a cropped version of the sketch minus the map for showing to players:

Death Frost Tower

Death Frost Tower


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