Category Archives: Rules

Simplified spell progression

The rule:

  • 1 spell per magic-user level
  • No more than 2 spells per spell level
  • Spell competency = level / 2 round up
  • Progression stops once there are 2 slots per spell level
Thus you get a progression that looks like this:
Adjusted Magic-User Spell Progression
Class level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
2 1
2 2
2 2 1
2 2 2
2 2 2 1
2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 1
2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 1
2 2 2 2 2 2


  1. Easy to remember
  2. Compatible with the standard magic-user class
  3. Approximates traditional gameplay at low levels
  4. Only starts to diverge at 4th level
  5. Scales back at high levels
  6. Never more than 12 prepared spells assuming B/X
  7. Exactly one new spell slot gained per level
  1. ?

Unless you already hate the traditional Vancian spell system, I don’t see how this isn’t an improvement.

This would also work for spells of up to 9th level (Supplement I: Greyhawk/AD&D style), if that’s the way you roll (just add three columns, and extrapolate to 18th level).

Addendum: this actually works reasonably well for clerics, too. Just round down rather than up for spell competency, and stop at the highest leve of cleric spells. So first level clerics still wouldn’t get a spell. Access to the highest level cleric spells would be pushed back slightly.

Combat dice

Semi-relevant image from Wikipedia

Prior to second edition D&D, the attack progression of characters is jumpy. In OD&D, for example, fighters don’t improve at hitting things until 4th level, and progression is even slower for other classes. This system, in the original conception (where all classes use the same chart, but get better at different rates) can be thought of as attack ranks.

Rather than an attack bonus, DCC RPG has fighters use an attack die (plus a small additional bonus at high levels). In effect, fighters determine the attack bonus randomly round by round. This only applies to fighters and dwarves though; all other classes use standard d20-style fixed attack bonuses. The results of the die used to determine attack bonus (called the “deed” die) also feed back into the DCC stunt system: a deed result of 3 or more results in a successful stunt.

Recently, I also thought about promoting attack ranks to first order game constructs that could be used in ways other than just attack bonuses. Specifically, attack ranks could be used defensively. This would allowing fighters to “spend” attack ranks on a round by round basis to improve their own AC or defend companions. This idea can be expanded to cover other areas of combat.

Rather than using a better attack matrix (or improved attack bonus), characters have a number of combat dice equal to the combat rank. In my adjusted attack rank system for OD&D, fighters start off at attack rank 2 and top out at attack rank 6 (at high level), while clerics (for example) start at 1 and top out at 4. Using those numbers, fighters would start out with 2 combat dice, which could be used for various things.

I see four main ways to use combat dice: attack bonus, personal AC bonus, defending companions, and extra damage (though not all classes would have access to all options). Basically, this allows players to change focus between offense and defense round by round, but since the number of dice is relatively small (between 1 and 6, inclusive) there are fewer choices to consider (and thus reasoning will probably be more diegetic and less about mathematical optimization).

Combat dice options by class:

  • Fighter: attack, armor, defend, damage
  • Cleric: attack, defend, armor
  • Thief: attack, damage
  • Magic-user: none
Shifting around of a relatively small number of dice between competing priorities seems like a better way to model things like fighting defensively than a flat attack penalty and AC bonus. It also makes the fighter scale up better with level compared to other classes without recourse to powers.

Thus, combat dice become general resources that all classes use and they replace the other attack progression system. In some sense, the tenor of combat for a specific class becomes the combination of how fast combat dice are acquired and what they can be used for.

Spellblade class

Cropped image from Dark Classics

I was recently browsing the Pathfinder Ultimate Magic book. Inspired by the magus class, I decided to create a magic-user that primarily delivered spells through a weapon. The result is this class, which should be useable with OD&D, B/X, and various simulacra.

Spellblades use magic to enhance their attacks. In fact, they may only cast spells through their weapon during combat, which they use as a magical focus. Spells must be prepared beforehand, just as for a magic-user. This preparation involves complicated weapon forms that partake of arcane geometries.

Class details:

  • Attack as cleric
  • Hit dice as cleric
  • Armor competency: medium/chain
  • Weapons as fighter
  • Level advancement as fighter
  • Saving throws as fighter
  • Spell progression as elf or magic-user spells (to 5th spell level)
  • Missile attacks as zero level human
All “strike” spells may only be cast as part of an attack. Standard melee attack and casting are all part of one action for a spellblade. Single target strikes are not expended on a miss, but area-effect strikes are. If no save is specified, then effects occur on a hit. All “stance” spells last for the duration of one combat, and may be cast as part of any attack. Any area effects from stance spells are centered on the caster and move with her. No more than one stance may be active at a given time. In general, all spell durations last no longer than one exploration turn (for example, servitors raised by reanimating strike crumble to dust after combat). Spellblades must deliver their spells via melee weapons. There are legends of other traditions, such as spellarrows, but these are unsubstantiated. If true, spellarrows would certainly have a different set of spells.
First level spellblades begin with three spells, and gain one new spell per level. All such spells are determined randomly (re-roll duplicates). Spellblades cannot use scrolls or create magic items. As magics, rather than heroics, are the primary virtues of the spellblade, their weapons are not good candidates for enchantment. Additional spells may be learned only from other spellblades or found in ancient manuals during the course of adventure. Learning a new spell takes one week per spell level, and if taught rarely comes without cost (1000 GP per level of technique is a reasonable guideline).
The major limitation of the spellblade compared to the standard magic-user, other than the lack of utility spells, is the requirement to be in the thick of the battle, as spells are cast using melee attacks. Even ranged spells, such as lightning strike, require a proximate melee target. If such is not available, the spell energy will rebound to the spellblade, causing a backfire. Stances may be used outside of combat, but require the spellblade to go through an arcane weapon form to manifest the effect, which lasts no longer than 10 minutes.

Spells are as follows:

First level
  1. Burning fan strike (all within 15′ cone save or take 1d6 fire damage)
  2. Corrosive strike (+1d6 acid damage)
  3. Nod strike (target must save versus magic or fall into enchanted slumber)
  4. Arcane strike (+1d6 on attack roll, strike considered as a magic weapon)
  5. Abjuration stance (as protection from evil)
  6. Shielding stance (+4 AC, may terminate to absorb 1 offensive damage spell)
  7. Defensive stance (next 1d6+1 damage during current combat is cancelled)
  8. Obfuscating stance (raise an obscuring fog, 10′ radius per level)
Second level
  1. Paralytic strike (humanoid target paralyzed)
  2. Blinding strike (target is blinded for 10 minutes per level of spellblade)
  3. Vampiric strike (+1d6 damage vs. living, recover same HP, target weakened)
  4. Searing strike (+1d6 damage, set alight if flammable, save ends fire damage) 
  5. Ward stance (2d6 damage resistance versus specified element, roll per attack)
  6. Strengthening stance (+1 to melee damage from great strength)
  7. True seeing stance (see the true form of creatures, including those invisible)
  8. Mirror image stance (1d3 decoys, determine target of hits against caster randomly)
Third level
  1. Flaming strike (1d6 fire damage/level, max 10d6, 20′ radius, caster is epicenter)
  2. Lightning strike (1d6 lightning damage/level, max 10d6, 120′ straight line)
  3. Disenchanting strike (as dispel magic)
  4. Freezing strike (+1d6 cold damage per round, immobile encased in ice, save ends)
  5. Cloud stance (flight)
  6. Neptune stance (water breathing and free movement underwater)
  7. Whirlwind stance (normal missiles are flung away by swirling winds)
  8. Counter stance (save versus magic to counter any spell; this ends the stance)
Fourth level
  1. Terror strike (all within 15′ cone save or flee)
  2. Blizzard strike (1d6 cold damage/level, max 10d6, 30′ cone)
  3. Ethereal strike (+1d6 damage, avoids armor, hits insubstantial creatures)
  4. Wasting strike (1d6 damage first round, 2d6 second, 3d6 third, etc)
  5. Fire shield stance (attackers must save or take 1d6 fire damage)
  6. Greater abjuration stance (as protection from evil, 10′ radius)
  7. Repulsion stance (attacking caster in melee: save or be flung 1d6 * 10′ back)
  8. Morning stance (daylight 60′ radius, undead take 1d6 damage per round)
Fifth level
  1. Reanimating strike (if target dies, it will animate to serve caster, same HD zombie)
  2. Death strike (against the living, save or die)
  3. Dispelling strike (save versus magic or banish/destroy demon/undead)
  4. Mind-kill strike (save versus magic or consciousness destroyed)
  5. Anti-magic stance (magic does not function within 10′ of caster)
  6. Power of the heavens stance (as control weather)
  7. Reciprocal stance (attackers take similar damage when damaging the caster)
  8. Aspect of beyond stance (all within 30′ save or go insane)
Many spells were inspired by the d20 SRD spells by level reference. Some spell effects may need to be adjusted after play testing. Some effects should probably only work against humanoid enemies (use common sense; I wanted the spell descriptions to be concise).

2d6 Vancian Variant

That 2d6 fantasy game began as a variant spell casting system for plain old D&D. As much as I like that complete system, I still think a 2d6 variant for the standard magic-user would be useful. Jeff has already done the heavy lifting, but here is some further discussion and systematization.

The traditional game differentiates between magic-user class level and spell level (to the consternation of many a beginning player). For example, magic-users can’t cast second level spells until they are third level. The highest level spell is almost generalizable to magic-user class level divided by two and rounded up (but not quite, because sixth level spells can’t be prepared until twelfth level). For the purposes of this post though, we can rationalize this to make up a new stat “magic bonus” which is magic-user class level / 2, rounded up. Call it M.

The rules:

  • Magic-users can prepare up to M spells (doesn’t matter the spell level)
  • Casting a spell of level L in armor A: 2d6 +M -L -A
  • Spell is lost (must be re-prepared in controlled circumstances) on 5-
  • Spell is retained after being cast on 6+

For adjudicating the various levels of success, consider the following guidelines. For catastrophe (2 or less), some effect should occur that is approximately as negative to the caster (or positive to the caster’s enemies) as would have occurred had the spell gone off as expected. A backfire (doing full damage to the caster) or the summoning of a hostile creature rather than an ally are classic examples. Miscasts (3-5) should lead to some minor inconvenience that is thematically consistent while achieving none of the intended goal. Delayed success (6-8) may also be interpreted as immediate but reduced. Immediate success (9-11) is casting as normal, with no adjustments. And finally, puissant success (12 or higher) could have extra duration or maximum damage. I don’t think tables of exact results are needed for impartiality; a player should know the level of danger by inverting the potential benefit.

The following is a table showing the chance of 6+ (delayed success or higher), by magic bonus (which is a proxy for class level) and spell level (which is a proxy for magic difficulty). The first column (with the plusses) is the bonus, the first row (with the minuses) is attempted spell level. Thus, for example, a character with a +4 magic bonus (magic-users of level 7 or higher), has a 58% chance (6+ on 2d6, +4 from the magic bonus and -5 from the spell level) to be able to cast a fifth level spell with partial success (full success, consulting the magic table above, requires a 9+). All percentages are rounded, and taken from (click on the “at least” button).

Chance of 6+ (required for partial success)
Magic Bonus -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

This system has the following benefits, in my opinion. No stupidly large number of spell slots to fill for higher level magic-users. Vance’s spell casters were not able to cram more than a few spells into their consciousnesses. Also, it allows lower level magic-users to cast higher level spells with a decreased chance of success even more elegantly than some previous Vancian variants I’ve experimented with. The magic bonus M along with the fivefold casting result chart replaces the original spell slot chart. The armor penalty to casting obviates the need for armor restriction in a finer grained way that other “arcane failure” systems I have seen (light armor makes a character function as if she were 2 levels lower, medium armor 4 levels lower, and heavy armor 6 levels lower).

Those who have been paying attention may notice some similarities with the DCC RPG wizard system. That also uses a relatively smaller number of spells, though more than I have here (up to 16 at level 10). It uses a d20 roll to cast, with caster level as bonus, and a difficulty class of 10 + (2 * spell level). This is nice, but I prefer 2d6 because it makes (for example) the difference in difficulty between a second and third level spell greater than the difference between a first and second level spell. Also, the crit and fumble chances with 2d6 are 1 in 36 (about 3%, assuming balanced modifiers), and they scale up nonlinearly with difficulty.

A minor point: that multiplier of 2 in the casting difficulty class formula for DCC RPG is an indicator of a system kluge. The two parts of the system (class level and spell level) don’t really fit together. The same thing is true of my 2d6 formulation as well, but at least you only see it once per level up (when you potentially recalculate the magic bonus), rather than on every casting check. Further, as casting spells is really all the magic-user gets better at, there’s no real reason not to just change the experience progression so that level 6 is equivalent to the old level 11 or 12. Thus, one might have an experience progression of 0, 5k, 20k, 50k, 100k, 300k. Then magic bonus, class level, and spell level are all on the same scale.

If you’re playing B/X (or a system with comparable intelligence modifiers) feel free to add the intelligence bonus to the magic bonus for purposes of the number of spells that can be prepared (but probably not to the actual casting check, as that would be very powerful). If you want magic to be a bit harder, have the magic bonus increase in steps of 3 levels rather than 2 (that is, level / 3 round up). For extra fortifying play, consider letting starting magic users randomly determine the level of starting spells in addition to the spells themselves (probably good to let them start with at least a few first level spells though). Or might I suggest a grimoire system?

Here are a few more charts of probabilities, to illustrate the dynamics of the system.

Chance of 9+ (required for standard success)
Magic Bonus -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

Chance of 2- (catastrophe)
Magic Bonus -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6

Shield saves

Image from Wikipedia

I would like to experiment with an “active defense” option for shield use. Here is the proposal.

Shields provide the following benefits.

  • +1 AC
  • 1 shield parry per round
  • +4 to saves versus appropriate area effects
All of the benefits only apply when a shield user has freedom of movement during combat (so not against traps).
At the beginning of a combat round, characters must decide which enemy they will primarily direct their shield against. The shield parry is a reaction, and may be used against a successful hit by that enemy. Fighters use their most favorable saving throw, other classes use their least favorable saving throw. Note also the ability of axes to destroy shields.
Use of a shield save requires a full action for characters without armor skill (e.g., zero level humans and magic-users). In other words, a “full defense” type of action will allow the use of a shield saving throw even for a non-combatant class character.
Appropriate area attacks would include dragon breath and fireballs, but not, for example, cloudkill.
Hopefully, this will not prove cumbersome (an attack in addition to a save versus poison does not seem cumbersome, so I don’t see how this will be much different, though I suppose getting hit happens more frequently than getting hit and poisoned). In any case, figuring things like this out is what testing is for.

I think this rule would also work with my recent 2d6 fantasy game, without the +1 AC bonus (since the numeric armor scale is less extensive), and with only +1 to saving throws versus area effects.

2d6 fantasy game

All task resolution uses this table, mutatis mutandis as appropriate:

2d6 Result
2 Catastrophe
3-5 Miscast
6-8 Delayed success
9-11 Immediate success
12 Puissant success
The rules are:
    • Intelligence and wisdom replaced by “magic” stat
    • 3d6 in order: str, dex, con, mag, cha
    • B/X stat mods (-3 to +3)
    • Melee attack = 2d6 + str mod – enemy armor
    • Ranged attack = 2d6 + dex mod – enemy armor
    • Armor = light (1), medium (2), heavy (3)
    • Magic check = 2d6 + mag mod – spell level – armor
    • Max number of prepared spells = mag mod
    • Sneak = 2d6 + dex mod – situational penalty (0 to 3) – armor
    • Experience dice (exp) = level
    • Experience dice can be added to any roll
    • Experience dice can also be used to soak damage
    • Taking damage = 2d6 + con mod – damage (roll on damage table)
    • Experience dice can only be used once each per session
    • Weapon damage is 1d6
    • Carry strength number of items before accumulating penalties to all rolls
    • Armor encumbers by value (e.g., heavy = 3)
    • All other reasonable items just count as one item
    • Monster hit dice = experience dice, or just run with HP as normal
    • Monster attack bonus = HD / 2 (or make up str, dex, con mods)
    • Saving throws are 2d6 + ability mod checks
    • Starting gear = basic clothing + 1d6 items
    • Spells are an item for starting purposes
    Anyone can fight, cast spells, sneak, whatever, based on their ability scores. No mag mod? No spells. Tough luck. Maybe you can find a way to raise your magic score during play.

    There are no hit points, but the default single experience die that a character gets at first level functions much like a hit die, though you can also use it to bolster an attack roll or do extra damage if you are feeling lucky.

    • Combat: 2 fumble, 3-5 miss, 6-8 glancing blow, 9-11 hit, 12 critical
    • Damage: 2 eviscerated, 3-5 slain, 6-8 dying, 9-11 unconscious, 12 stunned
    • Glancing blows do no damage, but grant some minor advantage
    • Dying: roll another “damage” con save per round; 6+ is still dying
    • Dying characters lose one random ability score point if they survive
    • Stunned characters recover after one combat turn

    Experience required by level:

    1. 0
    2. 1000
    3. 2000
    4. 4000
    5. 8000
    6. 16000
    7. etc
    Optional advancement rule: +1 to the ability score of your choice upon gaining a level.
    I think I just reinvented either Apocalypse World or Chainmail, but I can’t tell which.

    The mechanics of the save versus death might need some tweaks, but I’m pretty happy with everything else.

    Edit: “hit” table renamed to “damage” (suggestion from Jack).
    Edit: armor penalizes sneaking and magic (also from Jack).
    Edit: taking damage roll is penalized by the amount of damage taken (Jack).

    Also, Jack put his own spin on the system by shifting a few things around, adding a light career system, and including a list of spells derived from the Sorcery! books. If you like this, you should check that out that too.

    Hero weapons

    Image from Dark Classics

    The weapons most receptive to enchantments are those wielded by great fighters. Unlike some weapons of power, hero weapons are often plain to the eye, deriving their power from the experiences and events surrounding their use. Hero weapons are most commonly swords, but may also be other types of weapon.

    Advancing a hero weapon works like magical research. Attaining level 1 is as researching a first level spell, attaining level 2 is as researching a second level spell, etc. Sometimes expenses required involve reforging parts of the weapon and sometimes they are used entirely for the components required in the enchantment process. Upon gaining a level, the weapon gains a rank in an attribute (see list below).

    Attributes may be rolled for or chosen. If chosen, they should have some connection to the character’s exploits. For example, if the sword was used to slay a medusa, petrifying might be appropriate. When advancing the weapon past first level, the same attribute may always be taken (this is encouraged, for thematic consistency). However, that said, effects may be mixed and matched, within reason (according to good taste and referee ruling). No more than one elemental effect may be chosen per weapon.

    In most cases, a magic user with ability to cast spells of level greater than the sword must assist with the enchantment process (though occasionally simply defeating a powerful magical enemy may be enough to embue a weapon with power). The weapon level may not be higher than the fighter’s attack rank (or level / 2 if not using attack ranks). Max weapon level is 6, as with spells.

    The powers of enchanted weapons only manifest to those with attack rank greater than or equal to the sword level. Sometimes, a weapon of power will even curse an unworthy character that dares to attempt to use it.

    A bond develops between the sword and its wielder as its power increases. This doesn’t mean that no other character can use it (assuming the user has sufficient attack rank to be worthy of the weapon), but it does mean that the hero will always be able to find the sword if lost, though exactly what is required to do so varies based on the sword and situation. Perhaps the warrior will see a vision of a lost weapon in a dream.

    No matter the attributes, hero weapons are considered magical for purposes of hitting monsters with immunities. The level of the weapon can be used in place of the plus value required to hit (so a level 2 weapon can hit monsters that might otherwise only be vulnerable to enchanted weapons of +2 or greater).

    Ranged hero weapons impart their attributes to ammunition fired (when appropriate, or re-roll).


    1. Telekinetic. Weapon need not be held to be used, and may be used at reach (10′ per level of telekinetic attribute). Can also be used to trigger things at a distance, much like a 10′ pole. Weapon may be called to hand telekinetically at any distance (assuming there are no physical barriers). If thrown, the weapon returns automatically.
    2. Summoning. No matter where the weapon is, it can be caused to appear out of thin air. This process takes one turn and require concentration or some special process (decide on details).
    3. Protean. Weapon may change form as desired by master (only to other melee weapon types).
    4. Fire. Weapon will become wreathed in flame at the will of the wielder. +1 damage per level of fire attribute and all damage inflicted is considered fire-typed. Can be used to ignite flammable materials. Illuminates as a candle when ignited (magical fire is paler than torch-fire) — 5′ radius.
    5. Lightning. Weapon will crackle with electricity at the will of the wielder. +1 damage per level of lightning attribute, and all damage inflicted is considered to be electricity-typed. Serves as lightning rod (save to absorb damage from lightning attacks; this may be used a number of times per combat turn per level of lightning attribute).
    6. Frost. Manifests freezing aura at will. +1 damage per level of frost attribute, and all damage inflicted is considered cold-typed. Plunging weapon into water will freeze solid one approximately 10′ x 10′ area per level of frost attribute per turn of water to 1′ depth.
    7. Spell-thief. Weapon will steal prepared spells (up to spell level of spell-thief attribute, determine which spell randomly) from a spell-casting enemy on a successful hit. Stolen spells may be stored in the blade and cast by the wielder when desired. A number of spells equal to spell-thief attribute level may be stored. Magic-users that lose a prepared spell to a spell-thief weapon must save versus magic or go insane.
    8. Necromantic. Any living enemy of hit dice not greater than the necromantic attribute level slain by the weapon rises from death to serve the wielder. This process takes one turn. A number of creatures equal to the attribute level may be controlled (but note that further creatures slain will continue to rise, and will likely be hostile).
    9. Poisonous. A hit against a creature of hit dice not greater than the poisonous attribute level must save versus poison or die in agony. Creatures with hit dice greater than the attribute level must save versus poison or take an extra die of poison damage.
    10. Doom. Living creatures hit are cursed. Every following combat turn the curse does damage equal to the level of the doom attribute. The curse may be lifted with remove curse.
    11. Spirit-blade. Weapon exists simultaneously in another dimension and may attack the soul of enemies directly. The victim may save versus magic to resist the damage (no attack roll is required assuming that enemy is within melee range). Characters with less attack ranks that the overall weapon level cannot even grasp it physically (hands just pass through it). Soul damage is one die +1 point per level of the spirit-blade attribute.
    12. Energy. Weapon may attack at range using a ray of energy. No attack roll; enemy gets a save versus death ray to avoid (at penalty equal to level of energy attribute). On an odd damage die roll, the energy is temporarily exhausted (but will recharge after a turn while not in use). The ranged energy attack does not propagate effects from other attributes. The energy blast does one die of damage +1 point per level of energy attribute.
    13. Bane. Weapon does an extra die of damage per level of bane attribute against a certain kind of foe. Wielder can never be surprised by this type of enemy (decide how warning is manifested — perhaps a glow, or an audible whisper).
    14. Warding. An effect similar to protection form evil may be called forth. The warding is cancelled if the wielder attacks. The aura may be extended to effect a number of nearby companions equal to the level of the warding attribute.
    15. Alacrity. Wielder may always attack prior to initiative rolls (but can still be surprised). The weapon is so quick that it may be used to cut mundane missiles out of the air (save versus wands). The anti-missile ability may be used a number of times equal to the alacrity attribute level per combat turn in addition to the standard attack.
    16. Anti-magic. As a reaction, wielder may save versus spell once per combat turn to counter a spell (of level no higher than anti-magic attribute level).
    17. Paralytic. Those of hit dice not more than the paralytic attribute level hit must save versus paralysis or be paralyzed. If they make the save, they act last for the rest of the combat rather than following the initiative die. Just touching the blade to the skin of an enemy is enough to trigger the paralysis, and no save is allowed as long as contact is maintained. Enemies of higher hit dice must save or be slowed as described above.
    18. Petrifying. Creatures with hit dice less than or equal to the petrifying attribute level must save versus paralysis when struck by the weapon or be permanently turned to stone.
    19. Vampiric. Wielder gains one HP for every die of damage successfully dealt against living enemies of HD less than or equal to the level of the vampiric attribute. Wielder may be corrupted by long use.
    20. Terrifying. Living enemies with HD less than or equal to the terrifying attribute level must immediately make a morale check when presented with the bare weapon. Further, such enemies must save versus terror if struck or flee.
    21. Fortifying. Re-roll any HD that comes up less than or equal to the level of the fortifying trait (this probably only makes sense in my game where hit dice are re-rolled per session — maybe +1 HP per level of fortifying per hit die in other games).
    22. Whirlwind. Attacks may affect one opponent per level of whirlwind attribute as long as all opponents are adjacent to the wielder. This ability is not multiple attacks; only one attack and damage roll are required, they just potentially affect more than one enemy.
    23. Inspiring. In martial situations (e.g., recruiting retainers, intimidation, combat), +1 to reaction rolls, retainer morale checks, and charisma checks per level of inspiring attribute.
    24. Multiplicity. For each level of the multiplicity attribute, there is a copy of the magic weapon (but as one level lower). These lesser copies may be used by the fighter’s retainers or servants and are inert to all others (including other PCs, who have autonomy with regard to the fighter).
    For example, a level 4 sword might be terrifying-2 and fire-2, meaning that it does +2 fire damage when ignited and also causes enemies of 2 HD or less to make morale checks immediately and save versus terror when struck. Such a sword functions as +4 for purposes of hitting monsters that can only be damaged by magic weapons.

    Carousing and friends

    Image from Wikipedia

    It has recently occurred to me that I have been running carousing incorrectly. In my game, XP has so far only been awarded from spending GP on a 1 to 1 basis, so if you spend 100 GP on carousing you get 100 XP (and maybe some adventure hooks and/or complications). So far so good. The problem comes when you can spend money on other things that have an independent benefit. Suddenly the upside to carousing doesn’t look so good in comparison to the other options (and this has been borne out by observed player choices).

    In a discussion on Google Plus, it seems that most people run carousing so that you get initial XP for recovering treasure and then more XP from spending it on carousing (which is obvious, now that I think about it). In other words, carousing is an XP multiplier, at the cost of potential complications. Thus the structure of carousing is actually more like 1 GP = 2 XP. So from now on that is what I will do.

    In addition to carousing, there are several other activities for spending GP and reaping XP that are structurally similar (get a bigger payoff, but also risk complications if a saving throw is failed). The options are:

    Each of these activities has some potential minor payoff if the saving throw is passed. Successfully rendering judgment might improve the reputation of a cleric and make it more likely that NPCs will seek assistance from the cleric in the future. There might be a positive reaction bonus from the NPCs that participate in carousing. Magic-users might be able to identify some aspects of a mysterious enchanted item. Fencing hot property or finding someone to buy controlled substances from (like poison) might be the outcome of successful streetwise. None of these side effects are guaranteed though. The major benefit of carousing and friends is as an XP multiplier: 1 GP = 2 XP.

    In the most recent version of carousing on Jeff’s blog, the saving throw required to carouse without incident is poison. That makes sense, as one is trying to resist the effects of partying hard. A save versus spells might work for magic-user experimentation, but there is no appropriate save for either judgment or streetwise. These are both social activities, so a charisma check might be logical, but structurally the check should be about experience (and thus level), not inherent talent. Given that poison is generally the most favorable saving throw, the solution I have come up with is to have any of these multiplier activities require an abstract saving throw. The player may just use the most favorable save available (this preserves the numbers for carousing while extending the same chances to the other three multiplier activities).

    Thus, in all four cases, the procedure is as follows. Roll 1d6 and multiply by 100 GP for the cost. Then, take twice that in XP. Make a saving throw (use most favorable). Upon failure, roll on the appropriate complications chart. No more than one such activity may be attempted per week of downtime, though other activities (such as working on a scroll or training retainers) may be pursued during the same week.

    Optional rule: characters may attempt an off-class activity, but it does not function as a multiplier (that is, the activity results in 1 XP for 1 GP). I’m really not sure about this, to be honest, but I kind of like the idea that a fighter can steal a peek at a grimoire and attempt to puzzle through some of the spells at great risk. It could even have some interesting game consequences (we have to identify this magic item, but there are no magic-users or sages available). I’m not sure that any player would ever take up this option, though. Also, I think other classes should be able to carouse, but I don’t like the idea of always sharing the fighter’s toys. So freedom for anyone to do anything but with lesser payoff seems like a decent option.

    I need to write up complications tables for judgment and streetwise. Success tables for all four might be fun too.

    Retainer advancement

    Varlet or Squire carrying a Halberd from Wikipedia

    To date, I have used the traditional “retainers get half a share of XP” rules. These work relatively well in providing a cost to taking retainers along. However, they were designed originally for games where XP is awarded (presumably at the end of each excursion) for killing monsters and recovering treasure. That’s not the way I do it though, as I award XP when GP is spent.

    This can theoretically lead to some odd situations. For example, what if you take retainer A along on delve 1 (during which 236 GP treasure is recovered), retainer B along on delve 2 (during which 781 GP treasure is recovered), and then spend 500 GP on brewing a potion? How is XP divided between the PC and two retainers? Even if the math is clear (which it is not), it would still be tedious. I admit that this problem has not actually arisen, but the inelegance of the rule bothers me nonetheless. As does the strangely arbitrary “zero level characters get a class after 100 XP” Moldvay rule — which seems to apply to NPCs, but not PCs (since first level PCs begin with 0 XP).

    I would like to reframe advancing retainers as a clear expense so that the only question a player needs to ask after a session is: how to I spend my treasure? In addition to that simplification, my goals are as follows:

    1. Encourage the use of at least one retainer (for promotion upon potential PC death)
    2. Support cross-class retainers (e.g., magic-users with fighter warders)
    3. Fighters should gain some benefits to support the martial leader archetype

    The rule is very simple:

    For every 2 GP spent in training, a retainer gains one XP. The PC in question also gains 2 XP, following standard treasure for XP rules. More than one retainer may be trained, though GP must still be spent for each independently. For example, training 2 retainers at once requires 4 GP to grant both retainers 1 XP. Fighter retainers trained by a fighter PC gain a +2 morale bonus during combat situations as long as the fighter PC is conscious, alive, and present.
    The money so spent goes towards training facilities, archery ranges, laboratory equipment, paying local experts for advice and instruction, wooden swords, locks to disassemble, repairs, and so forth. Assuming that PCs own some sort of shelter, this paraphernalia will accumulate (lending the appearance of a training yard, dojo, laboratory, or shrine to the area in question).

    I thought about requiring 4 GP per retainer XP gained for retainers of class different than the PC’s class, but I decided against it provisionally because 1) I don’t want players to become locked into playing only one class and 2) even though it “makes sense” that a character can train others of their own class more effectively, I think the same-class bonus is probably better represented by things like apprentice assistance (for magic-users) and morale bonuses (for fighters). Also, I like that the retainer advancement rules are not very long, and unambiguous.

    I worried briefly that these new rules would not discourage taking along lots of zero level retainers, as they would not consume any XP unless trained. The traditional XP tax does not actually discourage taking along zero level retainers if they die, as XP is only divided between survivors. So even in the old rules, there must be some other reason to not use too many retainers. That cost is increased recruitment costs because of bad reputation, up to not being able to recruit new retainers at all. Also, there is the retainer limit based on charisma, which I may end up adjusting downward to discourage retainer armies (just because they are cumbersome to run during play).

    For reference, the Moldvay Basic rules are (page B22):

    DIVIDING XP Treasure is divided by the party, but the DM handles all the XP awards. At the end of an adventure, the DM totals the XP from all treasures recovered plus all monsters defeated and then divides the total by the number of surviving characters (both player characters and NPCs) in the party. EXAMPLE A party of 7 (5 player characters and 2 NPCs) goes on an adventure but only 6 come back alive. They killed monsters for a total of 800 XP and also collected 5800 gp in treasure, for a total of 6600 XP Each character receives 1100 XP at the end of the adventure (The DM may give each NPC 1/2 normal experience — 550 XP in this case — since the NPCs were “directed” and thus benefit less from the adventure).

    This modification to the retainer XP progression rules was first proposed on Google Plus.

    War dog class

    Mabari War Hound in Dragon Age: Origins (personal photo)

    War dogs are included in my list of starting retainers. By default, they function as normal humans (1 HD, 1d6 damage) that are cheaper to maintain, don’t consume XP, and have slightly different morale dynamics. However, I think (and my players agree) that it would be fun to have loyal war dogs advance in power just like retainers, to support their usefulness beyond the first few levels.

    • XP progression as fighter
    • Hit dice as thief
    • Attack ranks as cleric
    • Save as fighter
    • Natural AC as light armor (leather, AC 7)
    • Fearless regarding mundane creatures of large size or less
    • Subject to morale checks for supernatural or sorcerous creatures
    • Canine senses (as per hear noise for thief of equivalent level)
    • Post-combat HP recovery (see below)
    Dogs can be loyal retainers, but unlike humans their capacity to understand commands and carry out complex tactics is limited. By default, they have three potential actions: attack, defend, and stay. Further commands or tricks may be added per level. When commanded to defend, a war dog will not attack, but may save versus wands to intercept an enemy attacking their master in melee. They may require a saving throw to avoid chasing very tempting things, such as squirrels. Ability scores need not be rolled.

    If allowed to gnaw the bones of dead enemies or given a treat after combat, war dogs can recover up to 1d6 HP (no more than was lost in the previous combat). Treats are generally things like large dried bones and are encumbering. Gnawing bones or treats takes one turn.

    Light barding (AC bonus of 1) may be purchased. Medium (AC bonus of 2) barding may be equipped, but the dog takes a -1 encumbrance penalty to all tasks and may carry no other items without further penalty. Dogs without barding may be equipped with saddlebags, which allow the carrying of 5 encumbering items before penalties begin to accrue (-1 per significant item). Heavy barding (AC bonus of 3) functions similarly, but with encumbrance penalties of -3. Barding cost as per standard light, medium, and heavy armor. The ironclad ability (described below) allows the dog to wear medium barding and carry up to 5 items (if also wearing saddlebags) without penalty. Dogs in heavy barding may carry no extra items, even if ironclad-trained.
    War dog commands and abilities, roll or pick per level (including level 1):

    1. Fearless: no morale check required versus supernatural enemies
    2. Retriever: understands most common objects, and will fetch them
    3. Link-pup: knows how to carry a torch or lantern
    4. Porter: will happily pull a small cart or sledge full of loot (no move penalty)
    5. Canine missile: charge command (10′ required, 30′ range, +1 damage)
    6. Worry: hit implies vicelike bite, auto damage following rounds (as grab)
    7. Frisbee: save versus wands to snatch mundane missiles out of the air
    8. Mage-hound: can smell sorcery, including enchantment
    9. Hunter: flawlessly track one kind of creature & warn of proximity
    10. Dwarf-hound: can smell gold and gems
    11. Ironclad: may wear medium (+2) or heavy (+3) barding without penalty
    12. Serpent-hunter: immune to all poison
    Mage-hound, dwarf-hound, and serpent-hunter require special training if not chosen at first level, and may not be untrained.

    War dogs may have no more than 6 abilities at any one time, though they may be retrained at the cost of 1d6 * 100 GP (following standard retainer advancement training rules).

    See also: