Here are Summoner and Pyromancer playbooks—see downloads page for PDFs. The playbooks include instructions for creating an adventurer along with core rule cues. Below are slightly more precise spell rules.
This summoner is a tightened up version of the OD&D summoning rules I posted a while back.
As a reminder, intelligence checks control how many times an adventurer can cast a spell. After casting and resolving a spell, the adventurer makes an INT check. Failure means the adventurer looses the spell. Spells refresh during downtime.
Summoner Spells
To cast summoning spells or use magic, adventurers must have a catalyst in a hand slot.
Bind a neutral or friendly creature as a minion.
Hostile creatures and creatures of higher level than the summoner get a saving throw.
Minions resist commands that are suicidal or anathema.
Compel resisting minions with a CHA check. Failure breaks the charm.
Previously charmed creatures become hostile when liberated.
In a puff of smoke, a monster appears. Determine monster randomly.
Choose: careful, reckless, or named.
Careful results in a monster with level not exceeding the summoner’s.
Reckless could summon anything, even a duke of hell.
Named summons a creature by true name, which must be known.
Optional: choose a minion specialty. Summoners with a specialty may opt to summon minions of the chosen type during any particular summoning occasion. When summoning in this manner, determine specifics of summoned creature randomly within desired type. Once chosen, the specialty may not be changed though summoners may acquire additional specialties through play.
Draw a boundary, either circle or line, on the ground with a catalyst.
Summoned or extra-dimensional creatures may not transgress this boundary.
Pyromancy Spells
To cast pyromancy spells, adventurers must summon a pyromancy flame.
Adventurers knowing pyromancy spells may summon or dismiss pyromancy flames as an action.
A pyromancy flame occupies a hand slot.
Pyromancy flames are fist-sized, hovering, smoking spheres of dim pulsing fire that smell acridly of sulfur and seared tar. They shed about as much light as a dying ember. The odor makes concealment difficult.
Deal 1d6 + (1d6 × Level) damage (save for ½) to all in an area.
Flaming Weapon
Ignite a weapon. Weapon deals +1d6 damage and damage is magical.
The enchantment persists as an expiring resource during exploration.
do you still have these pdfs? the links are dead
Yeah; I added links to the downloads page:
Thanks for the update!