Detect Magic is a blog by Daniel Davis, just started this year. If I had to select an appropriate pigeonhole or tagline, I might say: “older D&D through the lens of Apocalypse World with lots of useful tools and also rules hacks,” though like all such summaries that sells it somewhat short. If those things are your bag (and they are certainly mine), I would recommend heading over there to check it out and maybe adding it to your regular reading list and/or blogroll. Old standby blogs are regularly slowing down or ceasing posts entirely, so it is always good to see new folks jumping in.
Here are some posts you might want to start with:
- Faction wars procedure
- Conquest: making control of territory a gameable thing
- Fisticuffs: dueling or brawling for trad D&D using stakes setting
- Pathcrawl: an interesting wilderness exploration procedure
Also many of the table sets are automated using Logan’s excellent generator of generators.