To be used for characters that have a close encounter with the unquiet dead. In the entries below, “the spirit” refers to the particular undead that the character survived an encounter with. Appropriate for accompanying a level drain.
Roll 1d30:
- Flowers wilt when the character is nearby
- To others, the character seems to walk slightly crookedly
- The spirit can be seen behind the character in reflections
- Eyes lose their color
- The spirit is now in every one of the character’s dreams
- The character’s weapons always drip with rivulets of blood, even after cleaning
- Nearby domestic animals become uncomfortable and seek to flee
- Character is always cold, and requires extra clothes to remain warm
- Small fires (such as lanterns and torches) gutter and go out nearby
- A great injustice that the spirit suffered in life shows up as a forehead brand
- Echoes of the spirit’s voice underly (and subvert) all words the character speaks
- The character’s skin is icy cold to the touch
- Garments worn lose their color so that they are only shades of gray
- Character slowly acquires the facial characteristics of the spirit
- Thin glass cracks upon touch (windows, mirrors, glassware)
- All alcohol consumed becomes the spirit’s blood
- Insects (especially maggots and carrion bugs) find the character’s scent pleasing
- All humanoid enemies slain take on the aspect of the spirit
- Unsheathed blades nearby seem to whisper the character’s name
- Character’s hands and garments remain soiled always
- Becomes somnambulant if not restrained during sleep
- Any door the character opens leads to the land of the dead
- Afflicted with illusionary stigmata (related to the spirit’s death)
- Smile forever appears to others as a rictus even though nothing has changed
- Any food the character touches loses all flavor
- Plants that grow near the character have a strange and twisted aspect
- Garments worn quickly become tattered and ragged around the edges
- Nails, grown black and talon-like, continually manifest dripping blood
- Footsteps leave tracks of cremation ash
- Character often sees the spirit lurking submerged in bodies of water
Nice work, I can totally see using some of these.
As a sign of passing evil, I’ve always liked milk turning sour.
Very nice list, my good man.
That’s a good one too.